Home > Products > Grass Page > Miscanthus transmorrisonensis

The grass garden at San Marcos Growers |
Planted in the background is Miscanthus transmorrisonensis, the Evergreen Maiden Grass with Pennisetum orientale
in the foreground and Cortaderia selloana
'Pumila' at the far right. Miscanthus transmorrisonensis is an evergreen clumping grass has foliage to 3-4 ft. tall that spreads in all
directions producing a 8 ft. wide plant. It is graced with arching 5-6 ft tall golden spikes that arch up and out from the foliage. The showy flowers occur
late spring through winter. Although it is drought resistant, it looks best with occasional watering. Full sun to part shade. Excellent for
dramatic accent and erosion control. Give this plant some room. Our thanks to John Greenlee for this grass, what he calls "the best
Miscanthus for the West".
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