Field Day Poll Results

Mangave 'Inca Warrior' - 8 votes

Mangave 'Kaleidoscope' - 8 votes

Mangave 'Crazy Cowlick' - 7 votes

Mangave 'Dreadlocks' - 7 votes

Mangave 'Electric Cheetah' - 7 votes

Mangave 'Silver Fox' - 7 votes

Mangave 'Lavender Lady' - 6 votes

Mangave 'Spotty Dotty' - 6 votes

Manfreda 'Cherry Chocolate Chip' - 5 votes
Mangave 'Desert Dragon' - 5 votes

Mangave 'Tooth Fairy' - 4 votes

Mangave 'Mission to Mars' - 3 votes

Manfreda 'Mint Chocolate Chip' - 2 votes

Mangave 'Man of Steel' – 2 votes

Mangave 'Catch a Wave' - 2 votes

Mangave 'Mayan Queen' - 2 votes

Mangave 'Pineapple Express' - 2 votes

Mangave 'Snow Leopard' - 2 votes

Mangave 'Whale Tale' - 2 votes

Mangave 'Bad Hair Day' - 1 vote

Mangave 'Blazing Saddles' - 1 vote

Mangave 'Blue Dart' - 1 vote

Mangave 'Coffee Jitters' - 1 vote

Mangave 'Falling Waters' - 1 vote

Mangave 'Moonglow' - 1 vote

Mangave 'Navaho Princess' - 1 vote

Mangave 'Red Wing' - 1 vote
See Mangave Collection for a list of all cultivars in our collection. More information on Mangaves ais also available on our Mangave Page