Abelia x grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope' PP16,988 |
Kaleidoscope Abelia - Evergreen shrub 2-3' tall x 3-4' wide w/yellow variegated lvs & white flwrs summer-fall. Sun/Light shade. Moderate water. Hardy to <15 degrees F
Abelia x grandiflora 'Sherwoodii' |
Dwarf Abelia - Evergreen shrub to 3-4' tall by 5' wide w/glossy lvs & lavender flwrs in summer-fall. Full sun. Moderate irrigation. Hardy to <15 degrees F.
[Abelia × grandiflora 'Nana']
Abelmoschus manihot |
Aibika - Deciduous perennial/subshrub to 6' x 3' w/palmate green lvs & large yellow summer flwrs. Full sun. Regular H20. Hardy to 10F.
[Hibiscus manihot]
Abutilon palmeri |
Indian Mallow - Shrub 4-5' tall & wide w/velvety silver heart shaped lvs & gold flwrs spring-summer. Full sun/light shade. Little to occasional H20. Hardy to 25F.
Abutilon pictum 'Thompsonii' |
Variegated Flowering Maple - Evergreen shrub to 6-8' tall x 4-6' wide w/yellow mottled green lvs & year round apricot flwrs. Part sun. Regular irrigation. Hardy to 20F.
[A. striatum, Callianthe striata]
Acacia aphylla |
Live Wire - Upright evergreen leaflesss 6-9' tall shrub w/blue-green spiny stems & winter-spring yellow flwrs. Full/part sun. Little H20. Hardy to 18 F.
Acacia baileyana |
Fernleaf Acacia - Evergreen tree to 30'x40' w/ yellow flowers in early spring. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 15-20 degrees F.
Acacia baileyana 'Purpurea' |
Purple Fernleaf Acacia - Evergreen tree to 20-30' tall by equal width w/purple new growth & yellow flwrs in spring. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F
[A. baileyana 'Variety Purpurea']
Acacia boormanii |
Snowy River Wattle - Fine textured upright evergreen shrub to 15 ft tall by 12 ft. wide. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Yellow flowers in spring. Hardy to 10-15 degrees F.
[Acacia hunteriana]
Acacia cognata |
River Wattle - Evergreen fine textured tree to 20' tall and as wide w/narrow green lvs & pale yellow flwrs in spring. Full sun. Occasional H20. Hardy to 20-25F.
[Acacia subporosa var. linearis]
Acacia cognata Cousin Itt ['ACCOG01'] PP25,133 |
Little River Wattle - Evergreen shrub 2-3' x 8+' w/green fine textured foliage. Full sun/light shade - well drained soil & occasional H2O. Hardy to 20-25 F. PP25,133
[A. subporosa var. linearis, A. 'Mini Cog']
Acacia covenyi |
Blue Bush - Fast growing shrub or small tree to 20' with gray-blue foliage and yellow flwrs in spring. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to <15 F.
Acacia cultriformis |
Knifeleaf Wattle - Evergreen small tree/ large bush to 10-15' tall x 10-15' wide. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Yellow flowers in spring. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.
Acacia iteaphylla |
Willow Wattle - Evergreen shrub to 10' by 13' w/pale yellow flwrs in spring. Drought tolerant. Coastal plantings. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy 15-20 degrees F.
Acacia longifolia |
Golden Wattle - Evergreen shrub 10-20' h x 10-20' w. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Sea coast tolerant. Yellow flowers in spring. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.
A. latifolia
Acacia melanoxylon |
Black Acacia - Large evergreen tree to 40' tall x 20' wide. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Creamy-yellow flower in winter-spring. Hardy to 15-20 degrees F
Acacia merinthophora |
Zigzag Wattle - Evergreen shrub reaching 9-12 feet tall with a weeping habit. Bright yellow flowers in winter/spring. Full sun. Low water. Hardy to 25-30 F.
Acacia podalyriifolia |
Pearl Acacia - Evergreen small tree 20' tall x 15' wide w/ round gray leaves. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Yellow flwrs in winter-spring. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.
Acacia stenophylla |
Shoe-String Acacia - Evergreen tree to 30' tall by 20' wide w/unusual narrow gray foliage. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Yellow flwrs in spring. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F
Acacia vestita |
Hairy Wattle - Evergreen shrub/ small tree 12-15' tall x 12-15' wide. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Yellow flowers in spring. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.