Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' |
Gulf Stream Heavenly Bamboo - Evergreen shrub. 3-4' tall and 14" wide. Full sun to partial shade. Hardy to < 15 F. Perfect along walks or in planted in mass.
Neomarica caerulea |
Walking Iris - Evergreen perennial to 5' tall by 3' wide w/deep violet flowers in late spring. Light shade. Water regularly. Hardy to 25 degrees F.
[Trimezia coerulea, Marica caerulea]
Neomarica northiana |
Apostle Plant - Perennial 2-3' tall w/fans of sword-shaped lvs & white & blue flwrs spring-summer. Full sun/shade. Regular watering. Hardy to 28 F.
[Trimezia northiana, Marica northiana]
Neoregelia 'Stormy Forest' |
Blushing Bromeliad - Epiphytic bromeliad w/ red base & tipped & spotted green lvs. Full coastal sun/light shade. Regular H2O. Hardy to 25F.
Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low' |
Walker's Low Catmint - Mounding perennial to 2-3 feet tall w/ aromatic grey-green lvs & deep lavender-blue flowers late spring-fall. Full sun. Occasional H2O. Hardy to -10F.
[N. racemosa, N mussinii]
Nephrolepis cordifolia |
Sword Fern - Spreading fern with upright leaves to 2-3' tall. Plant in full sun(coastal) to shade. Water regularly. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.
Nephrolepis cordifolia 'Lemon Buttons' |
Button Sword Fern - Fern with 10" long fronds with small round leaves. Nephrolepis cordifolia cultivar. Bright shade with regular water. Hardy to 19 F.
Nolina longifolia |
Mexican Grass Tree - Small tree 10-12 ft tall, w/corky bark, long thin green lvs & spring-summer spikes of white flwrs. Full sun. Little H2O. Hardy to 20F.
(Nolina parviflora)
Nolina nelsonii |
Blue Nolina - Slow growing tree-like shrub 6-8+' tall w/long thin blue-gray lvs. Matures w/spike of white flwrs. Full sun. Well drained soils. Little H2O. Hardy
[Nolina nelsoni, Hort.]
Nuxia floribunda |
Forest Elder - Small tree to 35' rounded crown and white flwrs winter-spring. Full/ part sun. Regular to little H2O. Hardy to 28F.