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now showing 1 - 20 of 304 : Letter P << back | next >>
Pachyphytum 'Bill Baker' Groundcover to 12 in. tall w/blue-green rosettes of lvs on upright stems. Red-orange flowers bloom winter to spring. Full sun. Frost tender +-<28F.   
Pachyveria 'Bill Baker' Small succulent w/rosettes of gray lvs. Orange-red flwrs spring-summer. Full sun/light shade. Little H20. Hardy to 20-25F. Great pot plant   
Pachyveria 'Bubbles' Succulent to 10" tall w/rounded gray leaves & orange flwrs partially hidden by leaflike calyces. Full/part sun. Little H2O. Hardy to 28F.  [Pachyphytum bracteosum?] 
Pachyveria 'Haageana Tolimanensis' Upright succulent to 1' w/rosettes of gray lvs w/purple highlights. Orange-red flwrs spring-summer. Full sun/light shade. Little H20. Hardy to 20-25F.  Echeveria haagai tolimanensis, Hort.] 
Pancratium maritimum Sand Daffodil - Bulbous plant w/18" tall narrow lvs & summer-fall white flwrs . Full sun in sandy soil. Irrigate occasionlly to maintain foliage or not. Hardy to 23F.   
Pandorea jasminoides 'Alba' White Bower Vine - Evergreen vine that can spreads to 20-30' with white flowers in summer-fall. Full sun/Light shade. Water regularly to occasionally. Hardy to 20 F.   
Pandorea jasminoides 'Rosea' Pink Bower Vine - Evergreen vine that can spreads to 20-30' with pink flowers in summer-fall. Full sun/Light shade. Water regularly to occasionally. Hardy to 20 F.   
Pandorea pandorana 'Golden Showers' Yellow Wonga Wonga Vine - Evergreen vine w/shiny green divided leaves & pendulous sprays of yellow flowers w/red markings in spring. Give average irrigation. Hardy to 25 F.   
Pararchidendron pruinosum Snow Wood - Small upright evergreen tree 25-30' tall w/whitish-yellow pom-pom flwrs & curious orange fruit. Full sun. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.  [Pithecellobium pruinosum] 
Parkinsonia aculeata Mexican Palo Verde - Deciduous tree to 15-20' tall with yellow flowers in summer. Full sun. Needs excellent drainage. Drought tolerant. 20-25 degrees F.  [Cercidium aculeata] 
Parthenocissus 'Hacienda Creeper' Rancho Viejo Creeper - Evergreen vine (mild climates) w/small palmate lvs that turn red in fall. Plant in full sun/ light shade. Regular to little irrigation. Hardy to 0 F.  [P. 'Rancho Viejo'] 
Parthenocissus henryana Silver Vein Creeper - Semi-deciduous vine with green and red leaves variegated with white. Spreads to 16-20 feet. Sun/Shade. Water regularly. Hardy to <15 degrees F.   
Passiflora 'Coral Sea' Passion Vine - Vigorous evergreen vine with lobed leaves and coral pink flowers in spring-fall. Full sun. Regular watering. 25-30 degrees F   
Passiflora 'Purple Tiger' Purple Tiger Passion Vine - Evergreen vine w/lush large leaves & dark maroon flowers w/ tiger striped corona summer to fall. Full sun. Regular watering. Hardy to 30-32 F  [P. × decaisneana 'Purple Tiger] 
Passiflora 'Scarlet Flame' Red Granadilla - Evergreen vine with large 3 lobed leaves & red flowers in spring-summer. Full sun. Regular watering. Hardy to 30-32 degrees F  [P. coccinea, Hort., P. vitifolia, Hort.] 
Pavonia missionum Red Mallow - Shrub to 4-6' tall w/aromatic green lvs & late winter-summer orange-red flwrs. Full sun. Average to little H20. Hardy to <25F.  [P. malvifolia Hort., Malva misionera] 
Pavonia praemorsa Yellow Mallow - Evergreen shrub 7'x5' w/small green lvs & yellow aging to red flwrs in summer. Full sun. Occasional to little water. Hardy to 25 degrees F.   
Pedilanthus bracteatus Tall Slipper plant - Upright succulent to 6-9' tall w/cylindrical stems w/rounded lvs at tips. Reddish flowers in warm month. Full sun. Litte/no water. Hardy to 20-25F  [P pavonis, Euphorbia bracteata] 
Pedilanthus cymbiferus Mini Lady Slippers - Small shrub to 1-2' tall w/sender erect waxy gray-green stems topped with small red flwes. Full sun. Little H20. Hardy to 22° F.  [Euphorbia cymbifera] 
Pedilanthus macrocarpus Slipper Plant - Succulent w/upright arching green leafless stems 3-5' tall & wide & orange-red flowers. Plant in full sun. Little irrigation required. Hardy to 30 F.  [Euphorbia lomelii] 
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