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now showing 61 - 80 of 250 : Letter S << back | next >>
Santolina neapolitana 'Lemon Queen' Naples Lavender Cotton - Evergreen shrub to 2' tall by 3' wide w/soft yellow colored flowers in summer. Full Sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to <0 degrees F.  [S. pinnata neapolitana 'Lemon Queen'] 
Santolina rosmarinifolia Green Santolina - Evergreen shrub to 1-2' tall and as wide w/yellow flowers in spring. Full sun/light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to <0 degrees F.  [S. virens, S. viridis, S. ericoides] 
Sarcocaulon vanderietiae Albany Bushman Candle - Drought deciduous low spiny shrub < 1' tall w/small heart shaped leaves & spring summer pinkish white flwrs. Full sun. Little H2O.. Hardy to 25F.  [Monsonia vanderietiae] 
Scabiosa caucasica 'Fama' Perennial Pin Cushion - Perennial to 2-3' tall by 2' wide. Intense lilac blue flowers in summer-fall.. Full sun. Moderate water needs. Hardy <0 degrees F.   
Scabiosa farinosa Dwarf Pincushion Bush - Evergreen shrub 2' tall & wide w/short stalked lavender-blue pincushion flwrs spring-summer. Sun/Part shade. Regular to infrequent H2O. Hardy to 20F.   
Scadoxus multiflorus ssp. katherinae Blood Lily - Bulbous plant from S. African w/ spotted bulb, bright greed leaves and Orange-red flowers in late winter. Light shade. (AKA Haemanthus katherinae)  [Haemanthus katherinae] 
Scaevola albida 'Mauve Clusters' Fairy Fan Flower - Evergreen groundcover to 4-6" tall by 3-5' wide with lavender-blue flowers spring-summer. Sun/Light shade. Moderate watering. 20-25 degrees F.   
Scaevola crassifolia Fandango™ ['Luedansca'] PPAF Fandango™ Blue Scaevola - Dense shrub 3-4' tall & wide with green lvs & winter-spring true blue flwrs. Full sun. Well-drained soil. Infrequent H20. Hardy to 20F   
Schinus molle California Pepper Tree - Evergreen tree to 25-40' tall & wide with white flowers in summer and red berries in fall-winter. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy 10-15 degrees F.   
Schotia brachypetala Weeping Boer-bean - Attractive semi-deciduous tree to 25' with pinnate lvs & spring-summer red flwrs. Full sun. Well drain-soil. Regular irrigation. Hardy to 23F.   
Scilla natalensis 'Dwarf' Dwarf Blue Squill - Dwarf form to 10" w/small bulb above soil & purple new growth w/spikes of lavender-blue flwrs in spring. Full sun and moist soil. Hardy to 25F.  [Merwilla plumbea 'Dwarf Form'] 
Scirpus cernuus Low Bulrush - Evergreen tuft forming grass-like plant to 18" wide by 8" tall. Pale brown flowers in summer. Hardy to 10 degrees F. Light shade. Keep soil moist.  [Isolepis cernua] 
Scopelogena verruculata Warty Rock Mesemb - Vigorous low succulent to 8" tall w/gray-green leaves & small yellow flowers. Full sun and dry conditions. Tolerates moderate frost.  [S. vereculata, Malephora crocea, Hort.] 
Scorzonera hispanica Black Salsify - Perennial root vegetable to 2-3' tall w/narrow lvs and yellow flwers late spring into summer. Full sun w/occassional water. Hardy to below 0F.  [Pseudopodospermum hispanicum] 
Sedeveria 'Green Rose' Succulent w/perfect green rosettes of & yellow summer flwrs. Full sun/light shade. Well drained soil. Infrequent irrigation. Hardy to at least 25F.   
Sedeveria 'Letizia' Lety's Sedeveria - Succulent w/deep green rosettes turning red in winter. White flwrs in spring. Sun/light shade. Well drained soil. Infrequent irrigation. Hardy to 21F.   
Sedum clavatum Tiscalatengo Gorge Sedum - Low sprawling succulent w/stems tipped w/rosettes of gray-green leaves. White flwrs in summer. Part/full cool sun. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.   
Sedum corynephyllum Toliman Stonecrop - Small succulent shrub 1-2' tall w/green 1" long lvs & green-yellow flwrs on long stems. Full sun/light shade. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 30 F.   
Sedum dendroideum Tree Sedum - Small shrubby succulent to 2-3 feet tall green leaves and bright yellow early spring flowers. Drought tolerant. Sun/ shade Evergreen to 20-25 F.   
Sedum dendroideum 'Colossus' Colossus Tree Sedum - Large shrubby succulent to 10 feet tall green lvs & bright yellow early spring flwrs. Drought tolerant. Sun/shade Evergreen to 20-25 F.   
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