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now showing 101 - 120 of 402 : Letter C << back | next >>
Cistus x skanbergii Pink Rockrose - Evergreen shrub to 2-3' tall by 4-5' wide w/small shiny pale pink flowers in spring. Full sun. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 20 degrees F.   
Clematis armandii Evergreen Clematis - Dense evergreen vine to 15' w/white flowers in late winter-spring. Sun/light shade. Moderate water needs. Hardy to 10 degrees F.   
Clivia cyrtanthiflora 'Salmon Beauty' Hybrid Clivia - Evergreen perennial to 2' tall and wide with pendulous orange flowers in winter-spring.. Shade. Occasional irrigation Hardy to 26 F.   
Clivia miniata Orange Clivia - Evergreen perennial to 2' tall & wide w/pale orange flwrs winter-spring. Light to deep shade. Moderate to infrequet H20. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.   
Clivia miniata 'French Hybrids' Orange Clivia - Evergreen strap leafed perennial w/wide lvs and dark orange flwrs .Light to deep shade. Moderate to infrequet H20. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.   
Clivia miniata 'San Marcos Yellow' Select Yellow Clivia - Evergreen perennial to 2'x2' with yellow flwrs late winter/early spring. Morning sun/shade. Occasiona to infrequent H2O. Hardy to 25-30 F.  [Clivia miniata var. aurea] 
Clivia miniata 'Tessa' Peach Clivia - Evergreen perennial to 2'x2' w/soft peach colored flwrs late winter/early spring. Morning sun/shade. Occasiona to infrequent H2O. Hardy to 25-30 F.   
Clivia 'Orange Trumpet' Hybrid Clivia - Evergreen perennial to 2' tall and wide with pendulous orange flowers in winter-spring.. Shade. Occasional irrigation Hardy to 26 F.   
Clivia 'Tangerine Burst' Hybrid Clivia - Evergreen perennial to 2' tall and wide w/ broad umbels of tangerine flwrs in winter-spring. Shade/morning sun. Occasional irrigation Hardy to 26 F.   
Clivia x cyrtanthiflora Hybrid Clivia - Evergreen perennial to 2' tall and wide with pendulous orange flowers in winter-spring.. Shade. Occasional irrigation Hardy to 26 F.   
Clytostoma callistegioides Lavender Trumpet Vine - Evergreen vine that reaches 16' with lavender flowers in spring- sometime on to fall. Sun/Light shade. Regular to occasional H2O. Hardy to 15-20 F  [Bignonia callistegioides] 
Cneorum tricoccon Spurge Olive - Evergreen shrub 2-3' tall/wide w/dark green lvs & yellow flwrs late winter & red berries in summer. Full sun/Light shade. Summer dry. Hardy to 25F.  [Euonymus nanus] 
Cochliasanthus caracalla Corkscrew Vine - Semi-evergreen vine w/green trifoliate lvs & powerfully fragrant white, purple & yellow flwrs summer-fall. Full/part sun. Reg. water. Hardy to 25F.  [Vigna 'Thomas Jefferson', Phaseolus caracalla] 
Coleonema pulchellum 'Compact Form' Compact Diosma - Evergreen shrub to 3' tall by 6' wide with pale pink blooms spring through fall. Full/part sun. Moderate/ low water. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.  [Coleonema pulchrum 'Compact Form'] 
Coleonema pulchellum 'Dark Pink' Dark Pink Breath of Heaven - Evergreen shrub 6-10' by as wide w/aromatic lvs & pink flwrs spring to fall. Full sun/Part shade. Regular to little H20. Hardy to 20-25 F.   
Coleonema pulchellum 'Sunset Gold' Golden Breath of Heaven - Evergreen shrub to 2' x 6' w/chartreuse colored foliage pale pink flowers in winter-spring. Full/part sun. Moderate/ low water. 20-25 degrees F.  [Coleonema pulchrum Sunset Gold'] 
Colletia paradoxa Anchor Plant - Slow growing leafless shrub 6-9' tall w/spiny triangular stems & white flowers in fall. Full sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20F.  [Colletia cruciata] 
Colquhounia coccinea Himalayan Mint Shrub - Upright evergreen shrub to 4-6+' tall with felty green lvs & orange flwrs late summer-fall. Full/part sun. Regular to little H20. Hardy to 10F.   
Combretum fruticosum Orange Flame Vine - Semi-evergreen vine clambering to 12-20' with orange flowers in summer-fall. Sun. Moderate water needs. Evergreen 25-30 degrees F Hardy <20F.   
Commiphora habessinica Abyssinian Myrrh - Deciduous spiny caudiciform tree to 15' w/gray-green lvs, white flwrs & red fruit. Plant in full to part sun. Little H2O. Great Bonsai. Hardy to 30F  [C. abysinnica, Balsamodendrum habessinicum] 
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