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now showing 101 - 120 of 301 : Letter P << back | next >>
Pittosporum undulatum Victorian Box - Evergreen shrub/tree to 40'x40' w/fragrant white flowers. Good hedge plant. Sun/Part shade. Deep, infrequent watering. Hardy to 20 F.   
Platycerium bifircatum Staghorn Fern - Large epiphyic fern that can grow to a 7' diameter cluster. Full sun to shade. Water regularly to occasionally when moss is no longer wet. 20-25 F.   
Plectranthus argentatus Silver Plectranthus - Perennial (shrub) 2-3' t / 4-6' w. Soft gray lvs & pale violet flowers in summer to fall. Sun to shade(best) . Irrigate occasionally. Hardy to 25 F.  [Coleus argnetatus, P ''Longwood Silver'] 
Plectranthus argentifolius Somalian Spur Flower - Low growing shrub w/gray-green aromatic foliage & pale blue flwrs in spring Full sun/light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 30F  [Coleus argentifolius, Plectranthus coerulescens] 
Plectranthus barbatus Winslow Spur Flower - Evergreen shrub 6-8' tall & wide w/dark blue-purple flwrs fall-late spring. Full/part sun. Occasional water. Frost sensitive but root hardy to 25-30F.  [Coleus barbatus, C. fruticosus 'Winslow', Hort.] 
Plectranthus ciliatus 'Drege' Spur Flower - Evergreen perennial to 1' tall w/green leaves w/ purple undesides & white flowers summer-winter. Shade. Regular watering. 30-32 degrees F.   
Plectranthus forsteri 'Aureus Variegatus' Tight low growing shrub w/ large velvety leaves that have a cream variegation. Full sun (coastal) to light shade. Great dry shade plant Hardy to 28 F.  [Coleus fosteri 'Green on Green'] 
Plectranthus lanuginosus Downy Spur-Flower - Dense low growing perennial shrub w/soft green foliage & blue flwrs fall & winter. Full sun (coastal)/light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F.  [Coleus lanuginosus] 
Plectranthus neochilus Lobster Flower - Low growing perennial shrub w/gray-green aromatic foliage & blue flwrs spring to fall. Full sun (coastal)/light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 30F.  [Coleus neochilus,P. x caninus,P. 'Lois Woodhull'] 
Plectranthus neochilus 'Mike's Fuzzy Wuzzy' Lobster Flower - Low growing perennial shrub w/gray-green aromatic foliage & blue flwrs spring to fall. Full sun (coastal)/light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 30F.  [Coleus carnosus, C. neochilus ] 
Pleioblastus pygmaeus Dwarf Bamboo - Running bamboo to 1-2 feet tall w/ narrow culms bearing small leaves (hairy undersides). Sun/Light Shade. Hardy to 10 F. Can be invasive.  [Sasa pygmaea] 
Plumbago auriculata 'Alba' White Cape Plumbago - Climbing shrub 4-6' tall by 6-8' wide w/pure white flwrs spring-fall. Sun/Part shade. Occasional to infrequent water. Hardy to 25 degrees F  [Plumbago capensis 'Alba'] 
Plumbago auriculata 'Imperial Blue' Blue Cape Plumbago - Climbing shrub 6-8+' tall by 8-12' wide w/royal blue flwrs spring-fall. Sun/Part shade. Occasional to infrequent water. Hardy to 25 degrees F.  [Plumbago capensis] 
Poa cita Silver Tussock - Upright clump grass to 30" tall w/narrow shiny pale green to bronze lvs w/ arching flwr stalks in summer. Full sun. Low water. Hardy to 10-15F.  [Poa caespitosa var. leioclada, P. var planifolia] 
Podachaenium eminens Daisy Tree - Large evergreen shrub/tree to 25' tall & wide w/larged lvs & fragrant white & orange flwrs. Full/part sun. Regular/occasional H2O, Hardy to 25F.  [Ferdinanda eminens] 
Podocarpus elongatus 'Monmal' Blue Ice Yellowwood - Upright pyrimidal evergreen tree 15-25' tall w/pale blue gray leaves. Full sun/light shade. Regular watering. Hardy to ~25 degrees F.  [P. elongatus 'Green Frost'] 
Podocarpus henkelii Long Leafed Yellow-wood - Evergreen tree to 25-35' tall with drooping dark green foliage. Sun/Part shade. Regular watering. Hardy to 20 degrees F.   
Podocarpus latifolius Yellowwood - Upright narrow evergreen tree to 40-50' tall w/blue gray leaves and pealing bark . Full sun/light shade. Regular watering. Hardy to ~25 degrees F.   
Podranea ricasoliana Port St. John's Creeper - Evergreen groundcover or vine to 20' w/support. Pink flowers in summer. Full sun. Low to moderate water. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F   
Polygala fruticosa 'Petite Butterfly' Butterfly Pea Shrub - Rounded evergreen shrub to 3' tall x 3' wide. Purplish pink flowers year-round. Sun/Part shade. Regular to little water. Hardy to 15-20 degrees F.  [P. oppositifolia, 'Mariposa'] 
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