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now showing 121 - 140 of 250 : Letter S << back | next >>
Sinningia 'Butter and Cream' Hardy Yellow & White Gloxinia - Tuberous perennial w\mounds of gray-green lvs to 2' tall with 2-3' stalks of white & yellow flws spring-summer. Full sun. Little H2O. Root hardy to 5F   
Sinningia 'Invasion Force' Hardy Pink Gloxinia - Tuberous perennial w\mounds of gray-green leaves to 1' tall with 1-2' stalks of pink flws spring-summer. Full sun. Little H2O. Root hardy to 5F.   
Sinningia 'Lovely' Dark Pink Hardy Gloxinia - Tuberous perennial w\mounds of gray-green lvs to 2' tall with 24 to 30" stalks of dark pink flws spring-summer. Full sun. Little H2O. Root hardy to 5F   
Sinningia tubiflora Hardy White Gloxinia - Tuberous perennial w\mounds of silver-gray leaves to 1' tall with 1-2' stalks of white flws spring-summer. Full sun. Little H2O. Root hardy to 0F.  [S. longituba] 
Sisyrinchium bellum Blue-eyed Grass - Perennial w/grasslike foliage to 6-12" tall & purple-blue flowers in spring. Sun/Part shade. Low-moderate water needs. Hardy to 0 degrees F or less.   
Sisyrinchium palmifolium Palm-leaf Yellow-Eyed Grass - Bulbous perennial w/ grass-like blue-green lvs to 2' tall & summer-fall yellow flwrs rising to 40". Full Sun. Regular H2O. Hardy to 0F.  [S. macrocephalum] 
Solandra maxima Cup of Gold Vine - Large evergreen vine that can spread to 25-40'w/succulent green foliage & large gold flowers in spring. Sun. Regular waterings. Hardy to 28 F.  [Solandra nitida, S. guttata, Hort.] 
Solandra maxima 'Variegata' Variegated Cup of Gold Vine - Large evergreen vine that can spreads to 25-40'w/variegated foliage & large gold flowers in spring. Sun. Regular waterings. Hardy to 28 F.  [Solandra nitida, S. guttata, Hort.] 
Solanum crispum 'Glasnevin' Chilean Potato Bush - Large evergreen vining shrub to 20+' with support w/ lavender blue flwrs spring to fall. Full/part sun. Occasional H20. Hardy to 5F.   
Solanum laxum Potato Vine - Evergreen vine that spreads to 30' w/dark green lvs & white flowers year-round. Sun/Part Shade. Regular water. Hardy to 10 degrees F.  [S. jasminoides, S. laxum Album'] 
Solanum wendlandii Giant Potato Creeper - Large vine to 10x15' tall/ wide with large purple flwrs that fade to white spring-fall. Full/partial sun. Regular water. Hardy(deciduous) to 20 F.   
Solanum xanti 'Mountain Pride' Purple Nightshade - Semi-deciduous CA native shrub 2-3' tall & wide w/dark green lvs & purple flwrs Feb-June. Full sun/light shade. Little to regular H2O. Hardy to 20 F   
Sollya heterophylla Australian Bluebell Creeper - Evergreen shrub to 2-6' tall w/bright blue flwrs in summer. Sun/Part shade. Water little, occasionally or regularly if soil drains. Hardy 20-25 F.  [Sollya fusiformis, Billardiera heterophylla] 
Sonchus canariensis Tree Sonchus - Tall upright growing shrub to 6-8' tall w/dissected leaves many yellow flowers in spring. Full Sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to +/- 25F.  [S. pinnatus var. canariensis] 
Spathodea campanulata African Tulip Tree - Evergreen tropical tree to 25-40' tall with orange-red flowers September to October. Full sun. Moderate water needs. 25-30 degrees F.   
Spathodea campanulata 'Lutea' Yellow African Tulip Tree - Evergreen tropical tree to 25-40' tall with yellow flowers September into October. Full sun. Moderate water needs. 25-30 degrees F.   
Sporobolus wrightii Giant Sacaton - Tall bunch grass to 5-6 tall with coarse green foliage and tall branched stalks of tan flowers in summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy  [S. aroides ssp. wrightii] 
Sprekelia formosissima Aztec Lily - Bulb with foliage to 1' w/ huge crimson-red flowers in spring-summer. Full sun. Occasional to regular irrigation. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.  [Amaryllis formosissima] 
Stachys byzantina Lamb's-Ears - Evergreen groundcover to 4-6" tall by 4-5 ft wide w/purplish-pink flowers in summer. Full Sun/Part shade. Low water needs. Hardy <15 degrees F.  [Stachys lanata] 
Stenocarpus sinuatus Firewheel Tree - Evergreen tree to 30' tall with red & yellow wheel shaped flowers in fall. Full sun. Occasional deep watering. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.  [Agnostus sinuata, Cybele sinuata] 
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